
Thursday, September 11, 2008

A New SLTL Challenge

And I don't have a sample for you yet. I actually did make a card for the new challenge at Stamping Links to Love, but it didn't come out too well.

I kept looking at it and thinking maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought, so I showed it to my sister for her opinion. She confirmed that it is unsurpassed in it's hideousness, so instead of a card, I will share a few drawings I did over the summer.

My daughter wanted to take a drawing class over the summer at our local community college, so I joined her in the class, rather that drop her off and pick her up again everyday.

This was an assignment to make a drawing from a collage of pictures clipped from magazines. I don't know why these photos look kinda blue. The drawings are just simple graphite and paper.

This was a still life the teacher set up. There were some other items off to the left of the plant, but I really liked the shadow cast by the plant and chose to focus on that.

I will try to get back a little later with a decent project to show you for the challenge at SLTL. Anna is our hostess this week and she chose a really great inspiration piece to inspire you. I hope you can play.


  1. Wow Theresa! I knew you were talented, but now I know you are TALENTED. Very nice!

    Funny about your card for the inspiration challenge. You should send me a pic. I want to see what can be so unsurpassingly hideous about something you made :-)

  2. Okay, lady, these are so wonderful. They are actually stunning. You could use them as card fronts and send a frame with them. Ha! You are an artist beyond cards. LOL

  3. Beautiful drawings I am a fan!! Love, love, love the elephant!

  4. I was simply lurking, having been sent over here from another blog, but I couldn't refrain from congratulating you on your beautiful drawings. Your instructor must be pleased as punch to have your talent in her class...bragging rights, you know!? I have enjoyed all your other work, too, but this I couldn't pass commenting on. Not to talk you out of rubber stamping, but with original art as good as yours, why resort to rubber?!


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