
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Manly Zen Butterfly Card created by Mike

How about my DH, Mike! There is a fun challenge going on in the Unity forums, for us to get our husbands or significant others, to make a card. I can't believe he was actually willing to do it.

He calls it his, "manly zen butterfly card." He used Mocha Chica designer paper for the background and River Rock (retired SU) for the card base. The butterfly stamp is from Butterfly Beauty and the bamboo is from Gratitude = Joy, both from Unity.

At one point, I looked over and saw him inking up an unmounted stamp without putting it on a block. I managed not to laugh and handed him an acrylic block. My bad, I should have realized he wouldn't know that.

He asked me for bright yellow paper and I handed him a piece of nice yellow cardstock. He took one look at it and said, "that's goldenrod, I wan bright yellow." So out came the YoYo Yellow. Hehehe, there is more where that came from.

I love the double diagonal background he came up and he did a great job cutting out those butterflies. He even came up with the idea of having the wings raised. I was really impressed with his finished card. What a great sport!

The challenge was inspired by the Unity boys last week, who spent Hip Hop Thursday, last week, making cards. You can see their work here.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!


  1. Holy cow this is absolutely fabulous!! He should definitely make more. I could never get my husband to do this and especially not this well. He's a natural and better than me, I'm jealous!! WOW!!

  2. Beautiful card. Your DH did a great job!!! The only way my DH would make a card is if I gave him front row 50 yard line tickets to a Dallas Cowboy game and even then he would not let me share it on my blog (nor would anyone want to see it LOL!).

  3. wow, that is very zen. Great Job

  4. Wow! There is no way, no how that I could get my DH to craft a card. Kudos to your DH AND he did a fabulous job!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, amazing, my DH is very artistic but I could never get him to make a card let alone one so marvelous! Kudos and then some to Mike! ~chris

  6. Hats off to your Husband,,, He did a fantastic job on this card...You go Mike go !!!

  7. Holy molly! He did a great job! Your talent must have rubbed off on him or better yet, may be his rubbed off on you :-)

  8. Theresa, how cool is your husband? and now you have to worry that you'll be sharing your craft room with him..LOL! and for him to know he's CS color...pretty cool:)

  9. OMG! Ok, thats it, I giving up...this from a man that never made a card before...good grief it hopeless for me! LOL! This is WAY awesome! I might have to CASE this! Love it!

  10. WOW!! Maybe one day he''l be a Dirty Girl! (bwahh!!! I was going to tell you what a cgreat card you made and then I read the story, amazing, I agree , a GREAT sport! and very talented!

  11. WOW, this card is AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL. Great job to your hubby!! Excellent work! :)

  12. WOWZERS!!! What a fabulous card and how amazing your dh participated AND did a fantastic job!!!

  13. wow--it's fantastic! he has a fabulous sense of color and style!

  14. Wow! He did an awesome job! Makes some of the cards I've made look pale in comparison. I love the butterflies and the colours co-ordinate so well together.

  15. How fabulous :)

    An awesome card and as a yellow lover myself - I must say I am not sure what the difference is - but it must have been obvious hee hee!!!

    Well done Mike and all the other husbands who showed their creative sides too!

  16. whoa - get out, Mike! that is awesome, so funny about the goldenrod (the only time I EVER got my DH to stamp was our cookbook covers because it was 1/2 his project too-oh and he told me not to tell anyone) HA! but he is supportive in other ways with my craft!

  17. WooHoo......way to go Mike! This is an awesome card. I will have to CASE it if you don't mind. Gotta love those butterflies. Thanks for sharing.

    Kathy Brown

  18. Wow! Your husband is so talented! Awesome card!!! Love the butterflies!


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